Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An Interesting Tidbit

I really enjoyed the article "A Twist on Getting Dressed: Try Doing it While Dangling" and the corresponding photos in the arts section of the Times on Monday. It is about a unique take on dance, using all possible space, including walls and the ceiling (sort of--it takes place in the imagination)

anyways, I recomend checking it out. you don't have to be a dance enthusiast to appreciate this work of movement.

link: (still don't know how to make it easier! so copy and paste it is) http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/15/arts/dance/15brown.html?scp=1&sq=A%20Twist%20on%20Getting%20Dressed&st=cse


  1. I loved this article, it was one of those "how I wish I were going to see THAT, too bad I'm in Michigan" moments.

    Is it making a claickable link that you don't know how to do?

  2. haha I get those moments every time I read the Times.

    and yes, the clickable link is still a mystery to me.
